Legal Notice

Legal notices on the website

You are currently connected to the website of the company THE FULL PACKAGE S.A.S.

General information - Identification of the site editor

THE FULL PACKAGE S.A.S (Simplified Joint Stock Company)
Headquarters Carrera 25 # 68 – 42, 111221 Bogotá – Colombia
Tax identification number: NIT 901451948-1
Telephone number: + 57 316 6798696

Responsible for the publication: Carlos Ernesto Abril Rojas, Manager – THE FULL PACKAGE S.A.S

Identification of the site data hosting service provider

The site is hosted by:
Shopify International Limited
Registered in Ireland under registration number 560279
Registered office: 2nd Floor Victoria Buildings, 1-2 Haddington Road, Dublin 4, D04 XN32, Ireland.
Telephone number: +1 571 409 6451



Visit our store in Bogota, Colombia and inmerse yourself in HAWT's universe.

Open hours:
Mon - Sat from 11 AM to 7 PM
Sun by appointment

Phone number: 
+57 324 4329045